It is never late to learn Spanish. Whether you are new to the language or want to polish your already learned skills, we have the best options for you. Our classes are engaging and reflect the colorful Hispanic world: the rich customs and traditions, the catchy music, the diverse gastronomy, and the warmth of native speakers. Our highly trained, committed teachers will make your language experience exciting and unique.
Spanish Beginner Level 1
This course is designed for students who have no previous knowledge of Spanish. Through real communicative scenarios, authentic readings, audio and video, students will learn topic-based vocabulary, simple grammatical structures and the language functions necessary to communicate in basic interactions.
Greetings, introductions, and useful phrases
The Street and the airport
Number and gender agreement
Ordering food at the bar
Numbers and pricing
Digital time: asking for opening and closing hours
The hotel
Verbs: ser, estar, tener, querer, ir
FALL 2024 SESSION (Sep-Nov)
10 classes of 1.5 hours each
​Cost: $300
Add 4 classes for $25 each
Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm
Classes start on WED SEP 11
Saturdays 11:30-1:00pm
Classes start on SAT SEP 14
Registration is open
Prices before HST
Spanish Beginner Level 2
This course is designed for students who have completed Beginner Level 1 or who can show a comparable knowledge. Through real communicative scenarios, authentic readings, audio and video, students will be presented with the following content:
Ser vs Estar
Personal information questions - Interrogatives
Countries and nationalities
Jobs and professions
The family
Physical descriptions and personality
ordering food at the restaurant
Describing places
The weather
Irregular verbs: ser, estar, tener, querer, ir
Main regular verbs in present
FALL 2024 SESSION (Sep-Nov)
10 classes of 1.5 hours each
​Cost: $300
Add 4 classes for $25 each
Tuesdays 7:00-8:30pm
Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm
Classes start on TUES SEP 10 and WED SEP 11
Registration is open
Prices before HST
Spanish Beginner Levels 3 & 4
​This course is designed for students who have completed the Beginner level 2 or demonstrate a comparable knowledge. Through real communicative scenarios, authentic readings, audio and video, students will be presented with the following content:
Expressions with verb TENER
Verb "gustar"
Life in the city vs life in the countryside
The Spanish gerund
Stem change verbs in present
Daily routine: reflexive verbs
Frequency adjectives
Direct and indirect object complements
Fruits and vegetables
Explaining a recipe
Parts of the house
FALL 2024 SESSION (Sep-Nov)
10 classes of 1.5 hours each
​Cost: $300
Add 4 classes for $25 each
Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm
Classes start on WED SEP 11
Registration is open
Prices before HST
Spanish Intermediate Levels 1 - 3
Through communicative scenarios, authentic readings, audio and video, students build on the knowledge at the beginner levels, incorporate more advanced vocabulary and grammar and develop fluency with the language. Course content for the three intermediate levels that we offer are available upon request.
10 classes of 1.5 hours each – Total hours of instruction 15
Mondays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Thursdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Classes begin MON SEP 9
Classes begin THU SEP 12
Registration is open
Cost: $350 + HST Materials are included
4 additional classes per session $30 per 1.5h class
Prices before HST
Advanced Spanish
Students consolidate their knowledge of Spanish in all 4 areas of language learning: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They incorporate a highly sophisticated vocabulary and grammar and work towards developing a native-like fluency while using more pragmatic features and idiomatic expressions. A variety of authentic language resources are being used: video, newspaper articles, literary texts just to mention a few.
Once a week classes of 1.5 hours each
Cost: $35 per class
Prices before HST
Registration is ongoing
Contact us for dates & times
Private Lessons
In a relaxed and personalized environment, instructors work around the special language needs of each student creating a program that accelerates the language learning process.
1 hour $40 +HST
1.5 hours $50 +HST
Materials are provided
Morning, early afternoon and evening availability.
Corporate Training
Let us bring Spanish to your working place. This program is specially structured to cover the needs of professionals who need Spanish for business purposes. Students acquire the skills necessary to communicate appropriately in business-like environments: sales, administration, finance, tourism, and develop an understanding of business practices and culture in the Latin American world. Students learn how to introduce themselves in meetings, how to conduct telephone conversations, and how to do reports. At the intermediate level, students learn to prepare presentations and perform a variety of written tasks: memo writing, e-mail writing, formal business letter writing, letters of complaint, among others. This course is tailored-made to the specific needs and proficiency level of the student or small group.
1-hour one-on-one sessions $65 + HST
1-hour sessions for 2 students $80 + HST
Materials are provided.
Special packages are available for small groups of 3 + students.